OMG! Have you ever eaten Kiwi-Dragonfruit flavored Golgappa? Woman made 52 types of Panipuri, food scientist made world record

Mumbai’s Chef Neha Shah creates over 51 types of Golgappa water: Golgappa, Panipuri, Puchka, Pani Batashe, Tikiya… and what not. No matter what the name is, this is such a dish that as soon as you hear its name, its taste hits your mouth. Who doesn’t like Golgappa, but its real taste lies in its water. You must have seen 5-6 types of Golgappa water in your city, street or locality. But a woman from Mumbai has done wonders. Mumbai-based food scientist and chef Neha Deepak Shah has prepared 52 types of Golgappa water. His feat is so interesting that he has made a world record.

Chef Neha Deepak Shah participated in season 4 of the cookery talent show ‘MasterChef’ and was the runner-up in the show. Now they have surprised the gastronomic world by introducing 52 amazing flavors of Pani Puri. This feat of Chef Neha will soon be shown in HistoryTV 18’s show ‘OMG! This will be shown in ‘Mera India’. In this episode of the show, Neha will be seen telling how she got the idea of ​​making wonderful Pani Puri with different flavours. This episode will air on March 18 at 8 pm on HistoryTV18.

This feat of Neha Shah has made a world record.

Neha, a social media sensation with over 1 million followers, is known for her inventive recipes and introduction of new flavors in a variety of dishes. Google even honored Chef Neha Deepak Shah by making a special doodle of Panipuri.

Actor Krishna Abhishek is hosting this show. There have been 9 seasons of the show so far and this 10th season is also being liked by the audience very much. The show showcases interesting stories of individuals who have created a new wave in the society with their unique talent, socially impactful initiatives, technology, innovation, record breaking feats, unique interests and passions.

Tags: food, Food Recipe, OMG, OMG News

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